Join us at
Worship at Cheltenham is a hybrid model.
We all worship together,
gathering in the sanctuary,
calling in on Zoom
or joining through Facebook Live stream.
gathering in the sanctuary,
calling in on Zoom
or joining through Facebook Live stream.
We hope you can find a way to join us.
Out of love and concern for the most vulnerable members of our church community and broader community in light of the COVID-19 outbreak, Cheltenham United Methodist Church is joining the other churches of the Baltimore Washington Conference of The United Methodist Church in worshiping in new and different ways. We have created a hybrid model to try to meet the needs of all members of our congregation.
- Join us in person, Sunday mornings at 10 a.m.
- Address: 11111 Crain Hwy, Cheltenham, MD 20623
- Join us online, Sunday mornings at 10 a.m.
- See our resources for participating in worship via Zoom
- Call in to listen to worship by phone
- Watch via Facebook Live Streaming
- Get the bulletin or worship slides for Sunday services
- Join in all our online regular programming
- Make a contribution online to support the ministries and mission of our church
- Keep up to date with community news and information by subscribing to the Weekly E-pistle.
We encourage all our community members and our neighbors in Cheltenham to take good care of themselves, one another, and protect the vulnerable during this challenging time.