We meet every Sunday at 10 a.m. for worship. This page has resources, linked, and other information about our upcoming worship services. You can also find links to this past Sunday’s sermon and any video recording of worship.


We offer a hybrid worship service. While we have been conducting online worship through Facebook live-streaming and virtual meetings on Zoom, we also have in-person worship in our sanctuary (11111 Crain Hwy, Cheltenham, MD 20623) on Sundays at 10 a.m. We look forward to welcoming you both online and in person as we continue to gather in worship.

Worship Notes

Are you someone who likes to take notes on the sermons your hear? We have created a note taking template for you to use. Simply download the pdf and print it out. It’s a great way to track your spiritual studies. Sermon Notes


Sign-up as a Worship Volunteer

You can schedule online for volunteering at worship and then serve online as a worship volunteer

Feel free to use this link to engage yourself more in Sunday worship service. Worship Volunteers

This Coming Sunday

Worship Service for February 9, 2025

Worship Services for Cheltenham United Methodist Church

Cheltenham United Methodist Church welcomes you to Sunday Worship!


Worship Resources


“Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”                       UMH 400

“Easter People, Raise Your Voices”                               UMH 304

+OFFERTORY   “10,000 Reasons”                                 

+DOXOLOGY                                                                        UMH 95

“Shout to the Lord”                                                             TFWS 2074
OLD TESTAMENT LESSON                                           Isaiah 6:9-13
NEW TESTAMENT LESSON                                         1 Corinthians 15:1-11


Christmas Story:

“The Holy Seed of Resurrection”                                   Rev. Daein Park


To make a donation online, visit our webpage at

To serve as a worship volunteer

To stay connected via e-mail, subscribe to the Weekly E-pistle
Rather Join Us on Zoom? DM us for the link to our weekly service, we would love to have you in fellowship!

To download the worship materials:

To make a contribution, offering, or tithe online:
  • Watch the livestream on Facebook
  • Join us LIVE on Zoom
  • Calling in on your telephone
    • Dial +1 (301) 715-8592
    • Enter meeting ID: 861 6676 4909#
    • Password: 001873

Past Sunday

February 2, 2025 Facebook video