Our Pastor
Rev. Daein Park
Meet the Pastor:
Rev. Daein Park
Rev. Daein Park was born and raised in the family of a Korean Methodist pastor. Even though he dreamed of worldly success until his senior year of college, that summer, he experienced the grace of Jesus Christ and God’s love deeply, and after a year of prayer, he answered God’s call to ministry for souls.
As attending seminary in Korea, Daein had a heart for world missions. While preparing to be sent as a missionary following the guidance of God leading him to Nepal, he met and married Juyoun Hong, who also had a passionate heart for world missions and the Nepalese people, and then went to Nepal. They stayed in Nepal for 7 years and served local churches and Christians. As he helped the ministry of Kathmandu World Mission Church, Daein worked for the Nepal Methodist Church to become a full member of the World Methodist Council and establish the Nepal Methodist Theological Seminary. He also devoted himself to running the Seminary, striving to equip Christian leaders for evangelization in Nepal.
God moved their lives to the U.S. Daein graduated from the Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington DC, serving as an associate pastor at Bethany Korean United Methodist Church. He has ministered in several churches which share the same Wesleyan spirit and tradition but are established within different cultural contexts. However, he believes that the mission of the church, the body of the Lord, is the same in all circumstances; the church has to nurture the disciples of Jesus, changing in Christ, and serve and love the community and the world to achieve the reign of God there.
2009, the year Daein was first sent as a missionary to another country, was the 100th anniversary of his great-grandfather’s receiving the gospel from a missionary from North America. As a debtor of the gospel, he has been doing his ministry to repay that love. Now, through his ministry in English-speaking settings, he wants to pay back the debt by establishing other families of faith.