Join us for the culmination of the Lenten season as we walk with Jesus on the final stages of his journey, through triumphal entry, rejection, trial, condemnation, death, and ultimately to new life.

Palm Sunday
Sunday, March 28, 10 am
A celebration of Jesus’ triumphal entry in to Jerusalem and reflection on his subsequent rejection by the crowd
Holy Thursday
Thursday, April 1, 6 pm
Thursday, April 1, 6 pm
Disciple Fellowship with Communion
- Join via Zoom:
Good Friday
Friday, April 2, 7 pm
Friday, April 2, 7 pm
Tenebrae Service Online Worship Bulletin 21-04-02
- Join via Zoom:
- Join via Facebook
Easter Sunday
Sunday, April 4
Sunday, April 4
A celebration of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead and of the victory of hope over despair, love over fear, life over death
- Sunday Worship, 10 a.m.
- Find links to worship and download our online worship resources